Depot Insulation Project

Why the need to re-insulate the depot?
In spring of 2018, the board of directors determined the need to investigate insulation of the depot after seeing very high heating costs. The board requested two outside companies to provide energy audits as well as quotes to provide additional insulation and plans to reduce energy waste. The outcomes of both audits were to provide better insulation for the entire depot, with some areas not having any insulation.
Why choose spray foam insulation?
Spray insulation is proving to be one of the best ways to insulate. Not only does spray foam provide high insulation ratings, it also prevents any air leaks. This is especially important in older buildings, such as the depot, that has many crevices, cracks, and openings, in the walls and around the foundation. The movement of colder air in the winter is a significant loss of heat and will be eliminated with spray foam insulation. Spray foam insulation is proudly being installed by "Spray Foam Insulators" by Dave Fiorentino.
In spring of 2018, the board of directors determined the need to investigate insulation of the depot after seeing very high heating costs. The board requested two outside companies to provide energy audits as well as quotes to provide additional insulation and plans to reduce energy waste. The outcomes of both audits were to provide better insulation for the entire depot, with some areas not having any insulation.
Why choose spray foam insulation?
Spray insulation is proving to be one of the best ways to insulate. Not only does spray foam provide high insulation ratings, it also prevents any air leaks. This is especially important in older buildings, such as the depot, that has many crevices, cracks, and openings, in the walls and around the foundation. The movement of colder air in the winter is a significant loss of heat and will be eliminated with spray foam insulation. Spray foam insulation is proudly being installed by "Spray Foam Insulators" by Dave Fiorentino.

What will the work consist of?
Phase One: Insulation of the basement and crawlspace areas under the first floor of the depot will be first. The colder air coming in from the basement pushes up into the depot and forces the warmer air out. This work is being performed Tuesday, March 5th and is sponsored and generously paid for by the Hopkinton Lions Club! Update: COMPLETED!
Phase Two: Insulation of the attic space and the eave walls of the second floor. This area is the larger spaces but because we already have some fiberglass insulation in most of these spaces, we decided this portion should be the second phase. We do not have an estimated installation date for this phase as we have not raised the funds to perform the work yet.
Phase Three: The final phase will actually be blown-in insulation performed by our own volunteers, but fundraising will be needed and the first two phases must already be completed. The depot is built in a "balloon construction" style, which means there is a cavity between the walls running from the first floor to the attic. The purpose of this phase will be to inject blown-in insulation between the walls of the first and second floor from the attic area.
Wish to contribute to this project? Click here.
Phase One: Insulation of the basement and crawlspace areas under the first floor of the depot will be first. The colder air coming in from the basement pushes up into the depot and forces the warmer air out. This work is being performed Tuesday, March 5th and is sponsored and generously paid for by the Hopkinton Lions Club! Update: COMPLETED!
Phase Two: Insulation of the attic space and the eave walls of the second floor. This area is the larger spaces but because we already have some fiberglass insulation in most of these spaces, we decided this portion should be the second phase. We do not have an estimated installation date for this phase as we have not raised the funds to perform the work yet.
Phase Three: The final phase will actually be blown-in insulation performed by our own volunteers, but fundraising will be needed and the first two phases must already be completed. The depot is built in a "balloon construction" style, which means there is a cavity between the walls running from the first floor to the attic. The purpose of this phase will be to inject blown-in insulation between the walls of the first and second floor from the attic area.
Wish to contribute to this project? Click here.